Dora,Tico,Christmas,tree, for KIDS COLORING PAGES
The word comes from the Italian cartoon cartone meaning thick paper. Originally cartoon refers to the understanding of the plans, the arts or cartoon is a rough initial sketch on the canvas besaratau architectural wall decoration in buildings such as mosaic, glass and fresco (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Evidence arkeoleogis have found kartunatau caricature drawings have been found on the walls and a vase of flowers on the ancient jamanMesir and Ancient Greek (Digest, January 1992). Renaissance period of the 16th century,, Michaelangelo buo narotti memakaikartun in doing the work of fresco on the creation story sangatterkenal man and until now can be seen in the Sistine Chapel. (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Leonardo da Vinci in his work entitled The Virgin and Child withSt. Anne and St. John the Baptist, is a cartoon created by Leonardo DaVinci in the original meaning. A cartoon with a full size ataskertas drawn as a study for further proceedings sebauh works of art, such as painting ataupermadani. World-class collection of cartoons by Peter Paul Rubens for a large permadaniyang a collection of the John and Mable Ringling can be seen in Museumof Art in Sarasota, Florida
The word comes from the Italian cartoon cartone meaning thick paper. Originally cartoon refers to the understanding of the plans, the arts or cartoon is a rough initial sketch on the canvas besaratau architectural wall decoration in buildings such as mosaic, glass and fresco (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Evidence arkeoleogis have found kartunatau caricature drawings have been found on the walls and a vase of flowers on the ancient jamanMesir and Ancient Greek (Digest, January 1992). Renaissance period of the 16th century,, Michaelangelo buo narotti memakaikartun in doing the work of fresco on the creation story sangatterkenal man and until now can be seen in the Sistine Chapel. (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Leonardo da Vinci in his work entitled The Virgin and Child withSt. Anne and St. John the Baptist, is a cartoon created by Leonardo DaVinci in the original meaning. A cartoon with a full size ataskertas drawn as a study for further proceedings sebauh works of art, such as painting ataupermadani. World-class collection of cartoons by Peter Paul Rubens for a large permadaniyang a collection of the John and Mable Ringling can be seen in Museumof Art in Sarasota, Florida
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